Agrupación Católica Universitaria
The ACU | La ACU
The ACU is a Marian Congregation whose spirituality is based on Jesuit formation principles and a strong concentration on Marian reflection. For nearly 100 years, the ACU has been fulfilling its mission…
Form Professional Catholic Men as Leaders for the Propagation of the Faith.
Our Mission
Our Organization
Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of Apostolate.

What We’re Doing
What does the ACU do? Learn more about what we are doing by reading some of our news articles.

Spiritual Exercises
The ACU offers Spiritual Exercises based on the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola. These exercises are an opportunity for profound reflection and deepening your relationship with Christ. Whether you're seeking personal growth, vocational discernment, or a way to recharge your spiritual life, our guided retreats will help you find clarity and peace in God's presence.
Join us for a transformative spiritual journey and experience the power of guided prayer and contemplation.
This Week’s Homily
Reflect on this Homily from our Miami Chapter’s latest Guardia.
Testimonios Sobre el
Padre Amando Llorente, S.J.
Homenaje a una Vida de Fe
Comparte tus Recuerdos y Testimonios sobre el Querido Padre Llorente
Estimados Agrupados y Amigos,
Con cariño y respeto, invitamos a todos quienes conocieron al Padre Amando Llorente, S.J., a compartir sus recuerdos y testimonios en este homenaje a su vida y legado de fe. Su dedicación, sabiduría y generosidad han dejado una huella profunda en nuestras comunidades.
Comparte tus historias aquí:
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Agradecemos de antemano tus contribuciones y esperamos con emoción leer las historias de quienes tuvieron el privilegio de conocer al Padre Llorente.
Father & Son
The Agrupacion’s Father and Son Apostolate seeks to identify and invite fathers and sons who wish to grow in faith, provide service to others, and grow in community. The members have sons in Grades 6-12 and participate with their sons in service projects, team building, Catholic faith activities and skills development.
Many of the fathers are also involved in the Agrupación Católica Universitaria, a Marian Sodality that forges men in the service of the Church and others.